
The KEYS Network provides support for families with children 0-5 years old living in Western Sydney, who are not engaged with appropriate services to meet their holistic needs or require a multiagency response. KEYS aims to support families who experience one or more vulnerabilities, such as:

  • Young parent under 25
  • Homeless/Housing instability
  • Substance use or smoking in pregnancy
  • Involvement in out of home care (OOHC)
  • Domestic and Family Violence
  • Past experience of trauma
  • Poor physical and/or mental health
  • Not enrolled in school (compulsory school age)
  • Multiple changes of schools – outside normal transition phases
  • Involvement with criminal justice system
  • Limited appropriate social networks and connections and/or limited family supports
  • Socioeconomic disadvantage impacting on access to appropriate services
  • Refugee/asylum seeker
  • Concern regarding child safety/wellbeing


An advocate is a frontline agency staff member who has direct contact with families and supports them to join KEYS. This could be a social worker, educator, health practitioner or other similar roles.

Lead Service Providers

The Lead Service Provider has overall responsibility for managing the Family Plan which includes maintaining regular contact with families and following up with other service providers.

Other Services

A family will generally have a group of Service Providers who are in the best place to support a family throughout their involvement in the KEYS Network. The KEYS Network seeks to develop strong and meaningful partnerships with local community organisations in Western Sydney.